Automate your Sales!

SaaSGrip helps B2B organizations to get a grip on modern SaaS tools and automate time-consuming manual sales tasks

Our service is always custom to your organization

What We Do

SaaSGrip helps Sales and Marketing teams of B2B organizations to automate time-consuming manual tasks that are predictable and routine. SaaSGrip helps you to get a grip on modern SaaS tools, and design and build automated sales processes that are custom to your organization. This will help you build more pipeline, free up time, improve the prospect journey, handle more leads, and ultimately close more deals.

For Who

SaaSGrip’s service is for founders, sales or marketing leaders of B2B organizations that want to spend more time selling and less time handeling manual tasks that are predictable and routine. SaaSGrip helps you to pick the right SaaS tools, and design + build automated sales processes that are custom to your organization or department. We can help with the design of beginner-friendly automation workflows as well as advanced workflows.

calculate price

You will never spend more than you save within the first year, guaranteed! or we’ll pay back the difference.

Do you want a more accurate savings estimation? Fill out the form, and we’ll contact you with an accurate report of your potential savings.

How It Works

1. Consultation
2. Workflow and tool suggestions
3. Plan of Approach
4. Timeline
5. Implementation of workflows and automations
6. Documentation + Handover

What are the benefits?

Convert LinkedIn

Book more meetings through LinkedIn by converting your profile from a CV to a high converting landing page.

Many founders and sales professionals don't optimize their LinkedIn profiles to convert visitors into leads. A missed opportunity!

Book a Consultation

Looking for advice on how to automate a workflow or which SaaS tool to purchase  to achieve your sales goals? 

Book a 1-hour consultation for just $99

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